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13th AGAH Annual Meeting 2004

29. February 2004 - 2. March 2004
Annual Meeting 2004, Berlin


Special Populations: what makes them so special? Current issues in study design, evaluation and regulatory affairs during drug development


February 29 – March 2, 2004, Schering AG, Berlin

The Annual Meeting 2004 focussed on current issues in human pharmacology research in special populations such as children, women, elderly, ethnic groups, but also special patients groups such as patients with chronic renal failure, diabetics etc.

Additional workshops dealt with actual topics such as the upcoming implementation of the European trial directive into German law.

Congress Information


Conference venue:
Berlin, Schering AG

Programme Committee:
• Kerstin Breithaupt-Grögler, Frankfurt
• Ulrike Ebert, Universität Heidelberg
• Charlotte Herrlinger, 4SC, Martinsried
• Carsten Meyerhoff, Health Management Consulting, Langenau
• Berno Müller, Pharmacon, Berlin
• Anne-Kathrin Riethling, Universität Rostock
• Bernd Rosenkranz, Jerini, Berlin
• Tomas Salmonson, Medicinal Products Agency, Uppsala
• Meinolf Wonnemann, SocraTec R&D, Oberursel
• Michael Zühlsdorf, Bayer, Wuppertal

Organisational Committee:
• Wolf Sittner, Schering, Berlin
• Amira Skapur, SocraTec R&D, Oberursel
• Yvonne Spiegel, Schering, Berlin
• Thomas Staks, Schering, Berlin
• Marianne Weiß, Schering, Berlin


  • Costs:
    400 Euro after January 1, 2004
    25 Euro reduction for AGAH-, ACCP-, and Club-Phase-I-Members
    100 Euro participation on Sunday only
    250 Euro for junior scientists below 30 years of age (limited numbers only)
    150 Euro for junior poster presenters below 30 years of age


Day 1, Sunday, 29.02.2004

10:00 - 13:30

12. AMG Novelle – aktueller Stand Phase-I-Studien im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld
I. Klingmann, Pharmaplex, Brüssel; H. Fuder, Parexel, Berlin


Willkommen und Einleitung
I. Klingmann, Brüssel


Europäische Hintergründe der Richtlinie 2001/20/EG
B. Lehmann, European Commission, Brüssel


Die neue Verantwortung der Ethik-Kommissionen
I. Wessler, LAEK Mainz, Wiesbaden


Antrag für das Genehmigungsverfahren
F. Hackenberger, BfArM, Bonn


GCP-Inspektionen nach neuem Recht
G. Schwarz, BfArM, Bonn


IMPD-Unterlagen zur pharmazeutischen Qualität für Phase-IStudien im Vergleich zu späteren Prüfphasen
S. Keitel, BfArM, Bonn


Adverse Events-Meldungen nach dem 1. Mai 2004
F. Hackenberger, BfArM, Bonn

11:00 - 13:30

Einführung in die Pharmakokinetik
W. Cawello, Schwarz Pharma, Monheim

11:00 - 13:30

Earned Value Analysis (EVA) and Management (EVM)
W. Seifert, Schering, Berlin

13:30 - 14:30

Study Nurse Meeting

14:30 - 15:30

Study Nurse Kurs
Praktischer Umgang mit den Genehmigungsanträgen gemäß
12. AMG-Novelle und Rechtsverordnung bei Ethikkommissionen und BOB
R. Frey, Bayer AG, Wuppertal

13:30 - 15:30

Lunch Break
Kaffeepausen werden während der Veranstaltungen bekannt gegeben

15:45 - 18:00

12. AMG Novelle – Diskussionsforum
I. Klingmann, Pharmaplex, Brüssel; H. Fuder, Parexel, Berlin


Studienvorbereitung in der Phase I vor und nach dem 01. Mai 2004
Vorsitz: W. See, Focus, Neuss
Teilnehmer: B. Lehmann, F. Hackenberger, I. Wessler, G. Schwarz, R. Frey,
M. Seibert-Grafe
• Informationszusammenführung beim Sponsor
• Erstellung des IMPD
• Konsistenz zwischen EUDRACT, IB, IMPD, Studienanträgen EK und
• IT-Anforderungen


Studiendurchführung und Studienabschluss
Vorsitz: D. Chase, Kendle, München
Teilnehmer: F. Hackenberger, G. Mikus, R. Schulz, I. Klingmann, S. Keitel, H. Fuder
• Amendments
• Pharmakovigilanz
• Meldung des Studienendes
• Berichterstattung
• Archivierung


Gewährleistung der Effektivität des neuen Systems durch optimale Kommunikation und Kollaboration aller beteiligten Parteien
Vorsitz: I. Klingmann, Pharmaplex, Brüssel
Teilnehmer: B. Lehmann, H. Fuder, W. Sittner, F. Hackenberger, I. Wessel, W. See, M. Seibert-Grafe, D. Chase, S. Keitel, G. Schwarz
• Sponsor - CRO
• Sponsor - Prüfer
• Sponsor – Ethik-Kommission - Prüfer
• Sponsor – BfArM – Ethik-Kommission

15:30 - 18:00

Grundlagen der Biometrie Beschreibende und schließende Statistik in klinischen Studien

T. Sudhop, M. Reber, Abt. f. Klinische Pharmakologie, Universität Bonn

18:00 - 19:00

Delegates Come Together / Standing Dinner (Schering)

19:00 - 21:30

AGAH Members Meeting (Schering)

Day 2, Monday, 01.03.2004


Opening of Congress Office

08:30 - 09:00

Thomas Gramatté, AGAH President, Wolf Sittner, Schering Representative
Barbara Schug, Christian Reh, Conference Chairs

09:30 - 09:45


09:00 - 09:30

Children: rationale for definitions of subpopulations
Matthias Schwab, Margarete-Fischer-Bosch Institute, Stuttgart

09:45 - 10:15

Ethnics: relevance of the genotype with special focus on drug metabolising enzymes and transporters
Ingolf Cascorbi, University of Greifswald

10:15 - 10:30


10:15 - 10:45

Coffee Break / Poster Presentation

10:45 - 11:30

Dialysed patients: differences in dialysis methods – technical aspects Frantisek Lopot, University of Prague
Dialysed patients: differences in dialysis methods – clinical relevance
Sylvie Sulkova, University of Prague

11:30 - 11:45


11:45 - 12:15

Diabetics: a patient group with special population characteristics
Robert Hermann, Altana, Konstanz

12:15 - 12:30


12:30 - 12:40

Presentation of invited session poster and discussion Invited Session Poster:
Methods for determination of renal impairment – a critical review with special focus on Cockcroft-Gault
Carsten Meyerhoff, Health Management Consulting, Langenau

12:40 - 14:00

Lunch Break / Industry Exhibition

14:00 - 14:30

Phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity in schizophrenia: pharmacogenetic studies
Marcella Rietschel, Zentralinstitut für seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim

14:30 - 14:45


14:45 - 15:15

Early drug development in obesity

15:15 - 15:30


15:30 - 16:00

Coffee Break / Poster Presentation

Session III

Design development in studies with special populations
Chairs: Ulrike Ebert, Berno Müller

16:00 - 16:30

Extrinsic factors and clinical trials in specific ethnic groups
Annette Gross, GlaxoSmithKline, Sydney

16:30 - 16:45


16:45 - 17:15

Reduction of inconveniences in studies with children – microtechniques in immunology
Claudius U. Meyer, University of Mainz

17:15 - 17:30


17:30 - 18:00

Clinical studies with cytostatics in children
Alexandra Wagner-Bohn, University of Münster


Bus transfer to Reichstag


Conference Banquet (Reichstag)
Presentation of prizes (posters)

Day 3, Tuesday, 02.03.2004

Session IV

Study design and evaluation: Biometric planning and study evaluation
Chairs: Barbara Schug, Carsten Meyerhoff

08:30 - 09:00

Sample size and decision criteria: PK/PD modelling as basis for
∆ definition or when are changes clinically relevant
Willi Weber, Aventis, Frankfurt

09:00 - 09:15


09:15 - 09:45

Influence of co-variates on study outcome in the elderly (age, weight, renal function and absorption)
Bernd Rosenkranz, Jerini, Berlin

09:45 - 10:00


10:00 - 10:30

Coffee Break / Poster Session

10:30 - 11:00

Inhibition of ovulation: The intelligent use of surrogate parameters
Ingrid Duijkers, Dinox, Nijmegen

11:00 - 11:15


11:15 - 11:45

Can well-designed phase II/III trials and populations PK evaluation be used as surrogate for studies in special
populations and drug-drug interaction studies?
Hans G. Schaefer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Biberach adR

11:45 - 12:00


Session V

The regulatory situation: Consequences for labelling and
registration – a conclusion of the conference – Part A
Chairs: Tomas Salmonson, Bernd Rosenkranz

12:00 - 12:10

Presentation of invited session poster and discussion Invited Session Poster:
Overview over study designs proposed in international guidelines
Charlotte Herrlinger, Carsten Meyerhoff, Anne-Kathrin Riethling

12:10 - 12:40

Guidelines for the investigation of the effects of impaired hepatic function – a critical appraisal
Christian de Mey, ACPS, Mainz

12:40 - 12:55


13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break / Industry Exhibition

14:30 - 14:50

Bridging studies for ethnics – a reduction in the number of studies for international approvals
Beate Rohde, Wolf Sittner, Schering, Berlin, and Mitsuhiro Mori, NihonSchering, Osaka

14:50 - 15:00


15:00 - 15:30

When are studies in special populations necessary?
Tomas Salmonson, Medicinal Products Agency, Uppsala

15:30 - 15:45


15:45 - 16:00

Session’s summary of the conference chairs
Christian Reh, Pharmacon, Berlin, Barbara Schug, SocraTec R&D,

15:45 - 16:00

Closing Remarks
Gerd Mikus, AGAH President

Presentations of the Annual Meeting 2004

Workshop on the German Medicinal Act (AMG) – Supporting Material

„Kabinettsentwurf“ 12th amendment to the AMG (15.10.2003, German)


Stellungnahme des Bundesrats (14.01.2004, German)


Gutachterliche Stellungnahme (27.01.2004, German)


Workshop on the German Medicinal Act (AMG) – Presentations

B. Lehmann, Bruxelles (EU Com.)

European Background of the Directive 2001/20/EC

I. Wessler, Mainz (IEC ÄK RLP)

F. Hackenberger, Bonn (BfArM)

Clinical trial application at the German federal competent authority (German)

G. Schwarz, Bonn (BfArM)

GCP inspections under new regulation (German)

S. Keitel, Bonn (BfArM)

The CMC part of the IMPD: Phase I trials compared to phase II/III trials (German)

F. Hackenberger, Bonn (BfArM)

Adverse Event Reports after May 1, 2004 (German)

Practical considerations on clinical trial applications according the 12th amendment of the German AMG to be submitted to ethic committee and competent authority (BfArM) [German]

Workshop Biometry

M. Reber and T. Sudhop, Bonn

Basis of Biometry – Descriptive and analytical statistics in clinical trials

29. February 2004 - 2. March 2004

13th AGAH Annual Meeting 2004

Annual Meeting 2004
