Events & Trainings

Current meetings, workshops, education

Academic Events

As a specialist scientific organisation, we hold many challenging events every year.

In a two-year cycle, the AGAH holds an acclaimed scientific congress in Germany, where relevant topics that interest our members are discussed – alternating with a scientific event with one of our partner organisations, AHPPI in UK, Bapu in Belgium or Association Française de Pharmacologie Translationelle (AFPT) -Le Club Phase I in France.

In addition, scientific workshops are held on special topics and there is a yearly national discussion round together with the BfArM, where mostly safety-relevant matters in early-phase clinical studies are discussed. The programme is rounded off with training courses, entitled Introductory or Applied Workshops for young scientists and a training programme specifically for study nurses.



    Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (GSI)  |  May 6 - May 6, 2025

    „Praktische Umsetzung des Medizinforschungsgesetzes - Spielräume für mehr Attraktivität der frühen klinischen Forschung in Deutschland“


    AGAH Mitgliederversammlung 2024

    Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (GSI)  |  May 6 - May 6, 2025  |  16:30 – 18:00

    Einladung mit Tagesordnung wird rechtzeitig per E-Mail versendet


    27th Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) Expert Meeting

    Partner-Event  |  Kurpark-Hotel Bad Dürkheim  |  May 15 - May 17, 2025

    This meeting will take place at Kurparkhotel Bad Dürkheim/Pfalz under the auspices of AGAH (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Angewandte Humanpharmakologie e. V.) and starts with a joint Dinner on 15 May 2025. The scientific programme begins on Friday morning, 16 May 2025 and ends on Saturday, 17 May 2025 at lunchtime.


    Applied Course Introduction into basic principles of clinical pharmacocinetics

    SocraTec R&D Oberursel  |  Oct 7 - Oct 8, 2025

    Pharmacokinetics – prerequisite and at the same time “door opener” for understanding pharmacology!


    Healixia/EUFEMED Training Course - Human pharmacology course – Module 4

    Partner-Event  |   |  Jan 15 - Apr 3, 2025

    Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and biomarkers in early clinical development This course addresses postgraduates in life sciences interested in early clinical development of medicinal products. The training provides an overview on pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD) and biomarkers in early clinical drug development spanning from non-clinical pharmacology over first-in-man studies to proof-of-concept clinical trials. Part 1: 15-17 January 2025, pharmacokinetics; 3 days at KU Leuven, Belgium Part 2: 2-3 April 2025, pharmacodynamics; 2 days at UGhent, Belgium Registration deadline: 18/12/2024


    AGAH/EUFEMED Training Course - Regulatory, operations, ethical and quality requirements in today’s early phase clinical trials (online and face to face) - Module 3

    Digital Event & Face2Face  |  Mar 5 - Mar 21, 2025

    The course is accredited as part of the EUFEMED Certificate in Human Pharmacology. The German Association of Human Pharmacology (AGAH e. V.), the Association Francaise de Pharmacologie Translationelle (AFPT) in cooperation with the European Federation for Exploratory Medicines Development (EUFEMED) and its further Member Societies are developing a modular training course in Human Pharmacology, leading to qualifications at the certificate and diploma levels. The training courses are intended for physicians, biopharmaceutical scientists and healthcare professionals working in early phase clinical research and would also suit investigators intending to fulfil the role of Principal Investigator for First in Human (FIH) trials.


„Praktische Umsetzung des Medizinforschungsgesetzes - Spielräume für mehr Attraktivität der frühen klinischen Forschung in Deutschland“

May 6 - May 6, 2025
Program Information

Das Medizinforschungsgesetz (MFG) wurde am 29.10.2024 im Bundesanzeiger verkündet und ist damit planmäßig in Kraft getreten. Gelingt es damit, attraktive Rahmenbedingungen für klinische Forschung in Deutschland zu schaffen?

Im bereits mehrfach bewährten Format des „AGAH-Diskussionsforums“ ist es das Anliegen der Veranstaltung, die Beteiligten an der frühen klinischen Forschung in Deutschland, Bundesoberbehörden, Ethikkommissionen, Sponsoren, CROs, zu einer offenen Diskussion des aktuellen Stands der Umsetzung des MFG und von Ansätzen zur weiteren Verbesserung der Genehmigungsprozesse von klinischen Phase-1- und 2a-Studien zusammenzubringen. Speziell stehen folgende Themen auf dem Programm:

•    Stand der Einführung und praktischen Umsetzung des MFG

•    Die Zukunft der ethischen Bewertung früher klinischer Studien

•    Integration des Strahlenschutzes in das Genehmigungsverfahren klinischer Prüfungen

•    Reichen die getroffenen Maßnahmen, um die Ziele des MFG zu erreichen?

Am Ende dieses Tages möchten wir lösungsorientierte Antworten zu den diskutierten Fragestellungen finden und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen erarbeiten mit dem Ziel, die Zusammenarbeit aller an frühen klinischen Prüfungen Beteiligten zu verbessern.

The Medical Research Act (MFG) was promulgated in the Federal Gazette on 29 October 2024 and thus came into force as planned. Will it succeed in creating attractive framework conditions for clinical research in Germany?
In the tried-and-tested format of the ‘AGAH Discussion Forum’, the aim of the event is to bring together those involved in early clinical research in Germany, higher federal authorities, ethics committees, sponsors and CROs, for an open discussion on the current status of the implementation of the MFG and approaches for further improving the approval processes for Phase 1 and 2a clinical trials. In particular, the following topics are on the programme:
- The status of the introduction and practical implementation of the MFG
- The future of the ethical evaluation of early clinical trials
- Integration of radiation protection into the authorisation process for clinical trials
- Are the measures taken sufficient to achieve the objectives of the MFG?
At the end of this day, we would like to find solution-orientated answers to the questions discussed and develop concrete recommendations for action with the aim of improving cooperation between all those involved in early clinical trials.

Registration Information

Early participation registration fee until 15/02/2025

350 € / 400 € regular rate
250 € / 300 € Members of the AGAH and young scientists up to the age of 30
100 € Employees of BfArM, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut and ethics committees

The participation fee is per person and is exempt from VAT according to §4 paragraph 22 of the German VAT legislation. The organiser reserves the right to make changes. The event is limited to a maximum of 60 participants.

Registration deadline: 30 April 2025

Event Location
Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (GSI)
Europäische Tagungs- und Bildungsstätte Bonn Langer Grabenweg 68,
53175 Bonn
AGAH Mitgliederversammlung 2024

Einladung mit Tagesordnung wird rechtzeitig per E-Mail versendet

May 6 - May 6, 2025  |  16:30 – 18:00
Event Location
Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (GSI)
Europäische Tagungs- und Bildungsstätte Bonn Langer Grabenweg 68,
53175 Bonn
27th Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) Expert Meeting

This meeting will take place at Kurparkhotel Bad Dürkheim/Pfalz under the auspices of AGAH (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Angewandte Humanpharmakologie e. V.) and starts with a joint Dinner on 15 May 2025. The scientific programme begins on Friday morning, 16 May 2025 and ends on Saturday, 17 May 2025 at lunchtime.

May 15 - May 17, 2025
Program Information

This meeting will take place at Kurparkhotel Bad Dürkheim/Pfalz under the auspices of AGAH (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Angewandte Humanpharmakologie e. V.) and starts with a joint Dinner on 15 May 2025. The scientific programme begins on Friday morning, 16 May 2025 and ends on Saturday, 17 May 2025 at lunchtime.

-Program to follow-

Registration Information

Start you registration - Book your seat now:


Young scientists: Hans Günter Schäfer Award
Generous donations have enabled the Organizing Committee of the PK/PD Expert Meeting to reward outstanding contributions to the PK/PD field by young scientists with the Hans Günter Schäfer Award (cash amount of 1000 EUR plus free meeting participation incl. travel expenses) issued in memory of the original initiator of the PK/PD Expert Meeting. The award is kindly sponsored by the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines.
If you are a Doctorate student or young scientist (<2 years after PhD degree) and want to apply for this award, send your peer-reviewed, published manuscript as a pdf file to Joachim Höchel - joachim.hoechel[@] Manuscript submissions must be accompanied by a brief description (500 words maximum) of how your manuscript fits into the overall scientific context of the respective research area, with a specific focus on its innovation, methodology and clinical or in vivo relevance. Submission deadline: 28 February 2025; applicant notification by 14 April 2025. The winner will be announced on the website of the PK/PD Expert Meeting and will present their work as part of the main conference.

Master / Doctorate students: Best presentation award
Three young PK/PD scientists will be given the opportunity to give an oral presentation of their work (5 min) as part of the main conference. All invited presenters will participate free of charge (incl. accommodation). The best presenter will be honored and will receive the “Young Scientist Best Presentation Award” plus reimbursement of travel expenses.
If you are a Master thesis or Doctorate student and want to apply for this award, send an abstract (500 words maximum) to Joachim Höchel - joachim.hoechel[@]
Submission deadline: 28 February 2025; applicant notification by 14 April 2025.
Three applicants will be selected and invited for presentation.

Application to both awards is possible. However, expectation is that a dedicated abstract is written for the ‘Best presentation award’, submission of one complete manuscript for both categories will not be accepted.

General Terms of Registration

Event Location
Kurpark-Hotel Bad Dürkheim
Schloßplatz 1-4,
67098 Bad Dürkheim
Event Manager
PK/PD Expert Meeting

Mastering increasing complexity in developing innovatice therapies

May 21 - May 23, 2025
Program Information

In May 2025, Mechelen will be the place for healthcare and life sciences professionals to network with colleagues and to exchange insights about the latest developments during our joint event: the 5th EUFEMED Conference (21-23 May 2025) and the 4th Annual Conference of Healixia (22 May 2025). Mark your calendars!

Both associations are celebrating an important anniversary, together at the Lamot Conference Centre in Mechelen, Belgium under the title ‘MASTERING INCREASING COMPLEXITY IN DEVELOPING INNOVATIVE THERAPIES’.
We are looking forward to welcoming you all there, joining us for an informative, inspiring and energizing conference!

Poster Submission

Registration Information

Organiser, contact us:
Square de Meeûs 35
1000 Brussels

Sponsorship and Exhibition

Event Location
Lamot Conference Centre
Van Beethovenstraat 8/10,
2800 Mechelen,
Distance to Grote Markt : 300 m
Event Manager
Applied Course Introduction into basic principles of clinical pharmacocinetics

Pharmacokinetics – prerequisite and at the same time “door opener” for understanding pharmacology!

Oct 7 - Oct 8, 2025
Program Information

This workshop, developed by experienced specialists from industry, CRO and consultancy, offers an entrée to physiological background, measures, and characteris-tics of pharmacokinetics. It helps to understand study design and evaluation of PK studies and the conclusions drawn from the results.
The workshop has been developed for clinical investiga-tors, project leaders, project managers and monitors as well as PhD students in industry, hospitals, university and CROs. The knowledge obtained in this applied in-troductory course helps beginners in pharmacokinetics obtaining the basic knowledge and scientific back-ground for professional handling, evaluation, and inter-pretation of PK data.

-Detailed programme to follow-

Registration Information

Registration link to follow

Event Location
SocraTec R&D Oberursel
Im Setzling 35,
61440 Oberursel
Healixia/EUFEMED Training Course - Human pharmacology course – Module 4

Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and biomarkers in early clinical development This course addresses postgraduates in life sciences interested in early clinical development of medicinal products. The training provides an overview on pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD) and biomarkers in early clinical drug development spanning from non-clinical pharmacology over first-in-man studies to proof-of-concept clinical trials. Part 1: 15-17 January 2025, pharmacokinetics; 3 days at KU Leuven, Belgium Part 2: 2-3 April 2025, pharmacodynamics; 2 days at UGhent, Belgium Registration deadline: 18/12/2024

Jan 15 - Apr 3, 2025
Program Information

Healixia/EUFEMED Certificate Course in Human Pharmacology - Module 4

This course addresses postgraduates in life sciences interested in early clinical development of medicinal products. The training provides an overview on pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD) and biomarkers in early clinical drug development spanning from non-clinical pharmacology over first-in-man studies to proof-of-concept clinical trials.

The course takes place in Belgium in 2 parts:

    Part 1: Principles of Pharmacokinetics (15-16-17 January 2025) in KU Leuven
    Part 2: Principles in Pharmacodynamics  (2-3 April 2025) in UGent

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding / knowledge of the following:

  •     Principles of PK including qualitative (ADME) and quantitative aspects (e.g. half-life, volume of distribution, clearance);
  •     PK after single and multiple dosing including drug accumulation, dosing regimens and study design;
  •     Concepts of therapeutic drug monitoring;
  •     PK: small molecules versus biologicals and ATMPs;
  •     Bioavailability and bioequivalence (generic drugs versus biosimilars);
  •     Population pharmacokinetics;
  •     Principles of PD: receptor binding, concentration-effect relationship;
  •     How to present PK and PD data;
  •     Extrinsic and intrinsic factors affecting PK and PD;
  •     Drug interactions;
  •     Pharmacogenetics / pharmacogenomics;
  •     Pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic models;
  •     The choice of formulations depending upon the characteristics of the compound and the intended uses of the product;
  •     The principles of testing formulations for bioequivalence, including the concept of biosimilar formulations;
  •     Biomarkers for target engagement, efficacy and safety;
  •     Strategies how to derive the first human dose (concepts of MRSD and MABEL);
  •     Dose escalation scheme;
  •     Stopping rules;
  •     PK / PD input in Investigator's Brochure (IB);
  •     Concept of Pediatric investigational Plan (PIP);
  •     Scientific rationale for genomic and related analyses;
  •     Pharmacometrics: PB-PK, PK-PD, model informed drug development.

Registration Information

All prices are excluding VAT (21 %). Cancellation policy for training courses and events is applicable.

Additional Information

Member tickets are available for members of: Association of Human Pharmacology in the Pharmaceutical Industry (AHPPI - UK), Healixia (Belgium), Association Française de Pharmacologie Translationnelle (AFPT – France), Association for Applied Human Pharmacology (AGAH - Germany), Associatie van Contract Research Organisaties in Nederland (ACRON - Netherlands), and Polish Federation for Early Medicines Development (POLFEMED - Poland)

Event Location
UZ Leuven, UZ Gent
Event Manager
AGAH/EUFEMED Training Course - Regulatory, operations, ethical and quality requirements in today’s early phase clinical trials (online and face to face) - Module 3

The course is accredited as part of the EUFEMED Certificate in Human Pharmacology. The German Association of Human Pharmacology (AGAH e. V.), the Association Francaise de Pharmacologie Translationelle (AFPT) in cooperation with the European Federation for Exploratory Medicines Development (EUFEMED) and its further Member Societies are developing a modular training course in Human Pharmacology, leading to qualifications at the certificate and diploma levels. The training courses are intended for physicians, biopharmaceutical scientists and healthcare professionals working in early phase clinical research and would also suit investigators intending to fulfil the role of Principal Investigator for First in Human (FIH) trials.

Mar 5 - Mar 21, 2025
Program Information

This training is intended for physicians, biopharmaceutical scientists and healthcare professionals working in exploratory medicines development research as well as investigators and research staff performing early phase clinical trials.

At the end of this course, you will be able to address and apply the ethical, regulatory and quality requirements of early phase clinical trials in your daily work. You will be familiar with the required measures for risk identification, assessment, mitigation and management in the early phase clinical trial activities presented in this course.

You will know how to prepare the single dossier documentation and how to interact with the Clinical Trial Information System (CTIS) within the new Clinical Trial Regulation framework. You will understand the organizational and quality requirements when preparing a Phase I unit for inspection readiness. Case studies and a home work will provide the opportunity to discuss and apply the theoretical background provided in the lectures.

Program Information

Halfday 1:        5 March and
Halfday 2:        7 March 2025 (2 half days online)
Day 3- 5:         10 - 12 March 2025, On-site (face-to-face, 3 full days in Oberursel/Germany)
Halfday 6:       20 March and
Halfday 7:       21 March 2025 (2 half days online)
Test:                 24 March 2025 (Activation 5 to 7 pm)

This AGAH training course is part of a European Initiative fostering knowledge transfer to those interested in human pharmacology and translational medicine. The German AGAH, the Association Francaise de Pharmacologie Translationelle (AFPT), and the Belgian Healixia in cooperation with the European Federation for Exploratory Medicines Development (EUFEMED) and its further Member Societies have developed a modular training in human pharmacology and translational medicine, leading to a qualification at the certificate level.

Four overarching training modules (of 5 to 7 days duration each) were defined. Out of these, 3 modules are required to apply for a EUFEMED Certificate in Human Pharmacology. Participants are free to choose the modules that they are interested:

•    Modul Introductory Course in Exploratory Medicines Development (Parts I and II) (organized by AGAH)

•    Module Pharmacokinetics (PK) / Pharmacodynamics (PD) / PK+PD / Biomarkers (organised by Healixia)

•    Module  Regulatory Issues / Operations/ Ethics / GxP / Quality Assurance (organised by AGAH)

•    Module Non-clinical safety / Clinical Safety / Pharmacovigilance (organized by AFPT)

EUFEMED has drawn together a training faculty of experienced instructors from its member associations and from invited guest lecturers.

The content of the Human Pharmacology Training was derived from and is aligned with the syllabus of the PharmaTrain diploma / MSc in Pharmaceutical Medicine / Medicines Development Sciences. PharmaTrain is a not-for-profit organisation assessing the quality of courses in the biopharmaceutical sector. The PharmaTrain syllabus was evaluated and adjusted for applicability and relevance to training in human pharmacology.

To download the leaflet with more information on the Programme Outline, please click here.

Registration Information

Accommodation for the face to face part, is not included and must be booked separately by yourself. Please reserve a room yourself within the room contingent at the venue:
99 EUR per night, single room, incl. Breakfast
Deadline call off until 08/02/2025

directly by phone:     0049 6171 500800      or
by email:             
Code:                             “AGAH- Modul 3”

Start your registration here:

Event Location
SocraTec R&D Oberursel
Im Setzling 35,
61440 Oberursel

Full commitment for our members

Our office is committed to working for our tasks and our members. You can reach us during normal office hours by phone or, of course, at any time by e-mail.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

The Association for Applied Human Pharmacology (AGAH e.V.)

Association for Applied Human Pharmacology (AGAH)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Angewandte Humanpharmakologie e.V.


Adress: Goernestraße 30
20249 Hamburg