How AGAH works
The up to 20 regents ensure that the challenging workload of the Association remains achievable without taking up too much time.
The general meeting of AGAH elects the regents and board and decides the orientation of the Association. The Association's projects are determined by the general meeting and/or the regents.
AGAH has a modern, democratic and flexible management model that has proven to work very well.Dynamism, modernity of the subjects, integration of young scientists – no empty words at AGAH, but instead established practice.
The Association is supported in organisational terms by a professional office, which also makes the many activities practically possible.
The board of AGAH comprises five members,
- President
- Past President
- President Elect
- Treasurer
- Secretary
A new President Elect is elected every two years and the other Presidents move to their next office or leave the board.
This ensures that the board is constantly renewed but also that there is sufficient continuity through board membership of 6 years in total of the Presidents in order to guarantee high quality work by the board thanks to sufficient experience.

Current board members

Dr. med. Sybille Baumann MD
CRS Clinical Research Services Berlin GmbH
Sellerstraße 31 Gebäude P300
13353 Berlin

Dr. med. Jörg Täubel, MD FFPM FESC
Richmond Pharmacology
1a Newcomen Street
London Bridge

Nadja Faißt
CRS Clinical Research Services Mannheim GmbH
Grenadierstraße 1
68167 Mannheim

apl. Prof. Dr. med. Antje Blank
Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmaepidemiology
Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
69120 Heidelberg

Dr. rer. nat. Rolf Burghaus
Building 0431
42096 Wuppertal

Dr. Martin Coenen
Sigmund-Freud-Straße 25
53127 Bonn

Dr. med. vet. Daniela Guckelberger
Nauenstraße 49
4052 Basel

Klaus Francke
Müllerstraße 178
13353 Berlin

Burkhard Kerlin
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 217/333
42117 Wuppertal

Dr. med. Ingrid Klingmann
Av St-Hubert 51
1970 Wezembeek-Oppem

Dr. med. Christine Klipping
Anklamer Straße 38
10115 Berlin

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Kovar
Industriepark Hoechst
Geb. H831
65926 Frankfurt a. M.,

PD Dr. Fabian Müller
Early Clinical Trials (ECT)
Birkendorfer Straße 65
88397 Biberach a. d. Riß

Dr. rer. nat. Maike Narten
Im Setzling 35
61440 Oberursel

Dr. med. vet. Stephanie Plassmann
PreClinical Safety (PCS) Consultants Ltd
Nauenstrasse 49
4052 Basel

Dr. med. Jens Rengelshausen
Institut für Arbeits-
Sozial- und Umweltmedizin
Pauwelsstraße 30
52074 Aachen

Robert Schultz-Heienbrok
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin

Bettina Ziegele, M.A.
Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 51-59
63225 Langen